Informazioni Iniziali

Name, indication and data of contact:
Alternative Green Insurance GmbH
Elsenheimerstr. 45
80687 Munich


Tel: +49 89 9545337-40
Pagina web:

1. Type of activity:
Alternative Green Insurance GmbH is in possession of a commercial license as a broker under the sensi dell’articolo 34d (1) GewO and is registered as an intermediate registrar with the sensi dell’articolo 11a GewO with the seguente number of registration. D-FOIG-N1RG3-78

Paesi senza filiali (liberty of prestazione di servizi): Lussemburgo, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Austria, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Svezia, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Ireland, Italia, Gran Bretagna , Lituania, Ungheria, Cipro, Belgio, Lettonia, Repubblica Ceca, Spagna

2. Consulting services:
The client receives an offer from a consultant on the basis of an assicurative agreement that requires primary intermediation or the stipulation of a contractual assicurative agreement. The fat of the client is rich and the advice of the consultant is determined by the documentation in relation to all the consultations or a consultation with the client.

3. Comunicazione di partecipazioni direct or indirette superiori al 10% in società di assicurazione or di società di assicurazione nel capitale dell’intermediario assicurativo:
The intermediary assicurativo is not a part of a direct or indiretta superiore than 10% of the diritti di voto or del capitale di un’impresa di assicurazione.
The imprint of insurance is not direct or independent up to 10% of the taxes or capital of the intermediate insurance company.

4. Information about the intermediary for remuneration and its benefit from the ambition of the intermediary assicurative:

The broker assicurativo Alternative Green Insurance GmbH receives a commission from the fornitore of the product (compagnia assicurativa) for the success of the intermediation of a contractto assicurativo. The commission does not have to be paid separately from the client to Alternative Green Insurance GmbH, which includes the insurance premium. Alternative Green Insurance GmbH does not receive any compensation in relation to all intermediaries.

5. Ufficio del registro comune ai sensi dell’art. 11 a (1) GewO:

Broker registration number: D-FOIG-N1RG3-78

Authority of vigilance of the Stato membro d’origine:
Association of the Camere dell’Industria e del Commerce tedesche Association of German Chambers
of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) eV

Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin

Telephone: 0180 600 58 50
(Prezzo della linea fissa € 0.20/chiamata; prezzo della telefonia mobile massimo € 0.60/chiamata)

6. Indirizzo dei centri arbitrali:

Insurance Ombudsman eV
PO Box 08 06 32
10006 Berlin
Tel.: 0800 3696000 (gratuitamente dalle reti telefoniche tedesche)
Fax: 0800 3699000 (gratuitamente dalle reti telefoniche tedesche)

Resolution of the online controversy takes place in the UE

7. Gestione dei reclami:

If you don’t have the slightest idea about our future life, you should communicate with us and suggest things to you for the better. Tuttavia, you can also present a reclamo in qualified momento by post or by e-mail at nostro indirizzo commerciale. If you receive a formal complaint from the previous party, you will immediately receive information about the complaint. If you do not want to be held accountable, you will receive a question about whether you are not responsible, you will not be informed immediately and communicated to any person who may be responsible. Esamineremo il vostro reclamo in detail e vi forniremo una risposta nel più breve tempo possibile. It is not possible until the 14th day to inform you about the motives for the ritual and when you have read the new version completely. You don’t have to worry about the accuracy of your situation or you don’t have to worry about everything, you can see the questions and inform you about the available options to keep you interested and obiettivi.