1. Name, Address, and Contact Details:
Elsenheimerstr. 45
80687 Munich
Phone: +49 89 9545337-40
Email: info@agi-solutions.de
Website: www.agi-solutions.de
2. Type of Activity:
Alternative Green Insurance GmbH holds a business license under § 34d Abs. 1 of the Trade Regulation Act (GewO) as an insurance broker and is registered in the Broker Register under § 11a GewO under the following registration number: D-FOIG-N1RG3-78
3. Advisory Services:
The customer is offered advice on the desired insurance coverage before the conclusion of a contract or the mediation of an insurance contract. Whether the customer has requested and received advice can be determined from the advisory documentation or a waiver of advice statement from the customer.
4. Disclosure of Direct or Indirect Holdings Over 10% in Insurance Companies or of Insurance Companies in the Capital of the Insurance Broker Over 10%:
The insurance broker does not hold any direct or indirect shares exceeding 10% of the voting rights or capital in an insurance company.
An insurance company does not hold any direct or indirect shares exceeding 10% of the voting rights or capital in the insurance broker.
5. Information About Fees and Commissions in Insurance Mediation:
The insurance broker, Alternative Green Insurance GmbH, receives a commission from the product provider (insurance company) for successfully mediating an insurance contract. This commission is not to be paid separately by the customer to Alternative Green Insurance GmbH, as it is already included in the insurance premium. No additional compensation is received by Alternative Green Insurance GmbH in connection with the mediation.
6. Common Registration Authority According to § 11a Abs. 1 GewO:
Broker Registration Number for Insurance Mediation: D-FOIG-N1RG3-78
German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) e.V.
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Phone: 0180 600 58 50
(Landline price 0.20 €/call; Mobile phone prices max. 0.60 €/call)
7. Address of the Arbitration Bodies:
Insurance Ombudsman e.V.
P.O. Box 08 06 32
10006 Berlin
Phone: 0800 3696000 (free from German landline networks)
Fax: 0800 3699000 (free from German landline networks)
Website: www.versicherungsombudsmann.de
Online Dispute Resolution via the EU:
8. Complaint Management:
If you are not satisfied with our services, we kindly ask for your suggestions for improvement. You can also submit a complaint at any time via mail or email to our business address. If we receive a formal complaint from you, we will immediately confirm receipt and inform you promptly about how we will process it. If we determine that your complaint concerns an issue for which we are not responsible, we will inform you immediately and provide you with the appropriate contacts. We will thoroughly review your complaint and provide you with a statement as soon as possible. If we are unable to do this within 14 days, we will inform you of the reasons for the delay and when the review will likely be completed. If we cannot fully address your concern, we will explain the reasons and inform you about other potential options to pursue your interests.